Brief description of Dual Appointment Agreement:

The employment of staff, faculty, and students at two or more institutions within the University System of Georgia (USG) during the same period of time is a recognized method of keeping costs to a minimum and maximizing resource utilization across USG.

Dual appointments may be requested when a Requesting Institution is in need of specific knowledge and/or skill set from an employee who is currently working at another institution (Home Institution) in the University System of Georgia (USG) and:

1. Approval requirements have been met, 
2. The transaction is in the best interest of the USG, and 
3. Such service will not have a detrimental effect on the employee’s Home Institution work commitment.

Link to initiate a dual appointment agreement request -- 澳门新普京注册 as the requesting institution OR 澳门新普京注册 as the home institution (process has moved to Smartsheet).
**If the agreement crosses fiscal years, two dual appointment agreements are required**

USG Human Resources Administrative Practices (HRAP) - Dual Appointments

USG Business Process Manual (section 5.3.3 Dual Appointment)

Helpful Hints:

  • Submit the request as soon as you are aware of a potential dual appointment agreement
  • If departments are unsure of whether or not someone is working at another institution, contact HR to verify (guest speakers included)
  • Employees are often not identified as working for another institution until the transaction is entered in OneUSG by HR at the end of the approval process. If this occurs, the employee may not receive payment for up to two additional months due to the signatures and information required for the agreements from both institutions.
  • Monitor the process and check in with the Dual Appointment Coordinator throughout the process
  • Budget amendments and check requests are required for the process. Prepare in advance when possible.
  • If the agreement ends at the end of the fiscal year, monitor the status of invoices/payments by checking in with the Dual Appointment Coordinator. If the last payment is not until June, we may not receive an invoice until July or August. Timing is very important! Encumbering funds may be needed if the agreement ends in May or June.

Dual Appointment Coordinator: Karen Hulsey

Phone: 678-839-6430